- Wireless Sensor Network and RFID for Smart Parking System
- Human’s Gesture Recognition and Imitation Based on Robot
- Wireless Arm-Based Automatic Meter Reading & Control System
- Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics in Cloud-Based Smart Home with Community Hierarchy
- Demand Planning in Smart Homes
- A Study of the Mesh Topology in a ZigBee Network for Home Automation Applications
- Efficient and Autonomous Energy Management Techniques for the Future Smart Homes
- Product Safety of the Internet of Things
- SDN@home A Method for Controlling Future Wireless Home Networks
- Real-time Detection System of Electrical Disturbances for Remote Communication Stations and Smart Grid.
- GSM-Based CommSense System to Measure and Estimate Environmental Changes
- A GPS-Based Control Framework for Accurate Current Sharing and Power Quality Improvement in Micro grids
- Robust Set-membership Filtering Techniques on GPS Sensor Jamming Mitigation
- Coupling Neighboring Micro grids for Overload Management Based on Dynamic Multicriteria Decision-Making
- Model Predictive Control Applied to the Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem
- Security and Privacy in Smart City Applications: Challenges and Solutions
- Stress Detection and Management
- A Temperature Compensated Smart Nitrate-Sensor for Agricultural Industry
- Green IoT: An Investigation on Energy Saving Practices for 2020 and Beyond
- IoT software infrastructure for Energy Management and Simulation in Smart Cities
- Situation-Aware Dynamic Service Coordination in an IoT Environment
- Security implications of permission models in smart home application framework
- A Bio-Inspired Analog Gas Sensing Front End
- Open IoT Ecosystem for Sporting Event Management
- Softwarization of Internet of Things Infrastructure for Secure and Smart Healthcare
- Scalable – Application Design for the IoT
- The Future of Industrial communication
- Secure and Efficient Protocol for Route Optimization in PMIPv6-based Smart Home IoT Networks
- Performance-Oriented Coordinated Adaptive Robust Control for Four-Wheel Independently Driven Skid Steer Mobile Robot
- Obstacle Avoidance in Real Time with Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Autonomous Vehicles Evitement d’obstacle en temps reel avec une command predictive non linear des vehicles autonomes
- Path Following with Authority Sharing between Humans and Passive Robotic Walkers Equipped With Low-Cost Actuators
- Periodic event-triggered cooperative control of multiple non-holonomic wheeled mobile robots
- Autonomous Quadrotor for Accurate Positioning
- Neural adaptive output feedback formation control of type (m, s) wheeled mobile robots
- Obstacle Avoidance Strategy using Onboard Stereo Vision on a Flapping Wing MAV
- Robust Stabilization of A Wheeled Mobile Robot Using Model Predictive Control Based on Neuro-Dynamics Optimization
- High-Speed Nonsingular Terminal Switched Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulators
- Robotic Pick-and-Place of Multiple Embryos for Vitrification
- Elastic Stability of Cosserat Rods and Parallel Continuum Robots
- Feedback control of soft robot actuators via commercial flex bend sensors