Zero-Voltage Transition Interleaved Boost Converter with an Auxiliary Coupled Inductor


This paper proposes a soft-switched interleaved boost converter with minimal conduction loss increment and removed reverse-recovery problem. The soft-switching operation is enabled by a soft-switching cell composed of passive components in which an auxiliary coupled inductor and a DC-link capacitor are connected between the switch legs of the interleaved boost modules and output stage. Every MOSFET switch of the proposed boost converter operates with ZVS turn-on using the coupled inductor current. Consequently, the switching loss of the proposed interleaved boost converter is greatly reduced. In addition, the reduced circulating current in the auxiliary circuit minimizes the increment of the conduction loss. The proposed soft-switched interleaved boost converter operation is verified with 500-Wexperimental results.


Soft-switching techniques for the interleaved converters were reported previously. These schemes are classified by the existence of the semi-conductor devices in the auxiliary circuit. Active components exploited in an auxiliary circuit for the soft-switching operation have been used to control the current flow and achieve the soft-switching of the main switches or diodes. These auxiliary devices are conducted to achieve soft-switching near the switching instant. Then, waveforms of switches and inductor currents are not greatly affected which does not alter the conduction loss property of the converter. However, addition of the semi-conductor devices worsens robustness of the converter. Besides, because the active devices in the auxiliary circuit usually do not operate with soft-switching, these devices cause the EMI problem. Therefore, these additional semi-conductor components in auxiliary circuit cause reliability problems. Soft-switched converters without active devices in auxiliary circuits were reported to increase the reliability of the converter, a coupled inductor issued to operate the interleaved boost converter. The converter switches are operated with zero current switching (ZCS) at the turn-off instant. However, this interleaved boost converter does not fully achieve ZVS. In, interleaved converters with an auxiliary inductor were proposed. Using the auxiliary inductor current, the switches attain softswitching capability. However, ZVS range is limited by the magnitude of duty ratio in schemes. To resolve this problem, power diodes are changed to synchronous switches to achieve soft-switching over whole input voltage condition. This approach achieves ZVS in all input voltage conditions with a simple auxiliary circuit. However, in these schemes, large circulating currents through the auxiliary circuits because the auxiliary circuit in these schemes retain speak value of the circulating current.


In this paper, a soft-switched CCM interleaved synchronous boost converter with reduced conduction loss is proposed. The auxiliary circuit of the proposed interleaved boost converter requires no additional semi-conductor components. The auxiliary circuit of proposed interleaved boost converter is comprised of an auxiliary coupled inductor and DC-link capacitor. The MOSFET switch of the proposed interleaved boost converter turns on with ZVS because the coupled inductor current eliminates the current flowing through the body diodes at the switching instant. Furthermore, the rapid falling slope of the auxiliary current due to the coupling effect reduces magnitude of the circulating loss. Therefore, compared to other soft-switching techniques with only passive components, the reduced circulating current in the auxiliary circuit minimizes the increment of the conduction loss. Moreover, the input current ripple of the proposed interleaved converter is identical to that of the conventional interleaved boost converter and, as a result, the input filter size is not increased. The operation of the proposed converter is verified with 500-W experimental results.




In this paper, the interleaved boost converter operated with soft-switching is proposed. Using the auxiliary coupled inductor and DC-link capacitor, the converter achieves these and removed reverse-recovery problems in whole operating conditions. Moreover, compared to other methods using only semi-conductor devices in auxiliary circuit, the increment in conduction loss is greatly reduced due to the operation of the auxiliary circuit. Therefore, the proposed converter achieves higher efficiency than other soft-switching structure without semi-conductor devices in auxiliary circuit. In additions, the voltage gain and inductor current waveform of the proposed converter are the same as those of the conventional interleaved boost converter. The operation of the proposed interleaved boost converter was verified with experimental results.


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