A Novel Soft-Switching Interleaved Coupled-Inductor Boost Converter with Only Single Auxiliary Circuit
A novel soft-switching interleaved coupled- inductor boost converter is proposed in this paper. Only a single active soft-switching module is needed to simultaneously achieve the soft-switching property of the two switches in the interleaved coupled- inductor boost converter. The better efficiency is achieved with the less components and cost. The two main switches can achieve the ZVT turn-on and smaller-current turn-off simultaneously when the single active soft-switching module is active. Due to the coupling characteristic of the inductors, the voltages across the two inductors are changed at the same time; therefore, the equivalent circuit is equal to the parasitic capacitors of the two main switches in parallel to resonate with the auxiliary inductor. By coupling two input inductors, the volume and cost of the circuit can be reduced. The interleaved coupled-inductor topology can also reduce the input and output current ripples and share the input and output currents. The operating modes, analysis, and design of the proposed circuit have been discussed in this paper. Simulation and experiments are finally conducted to verify the validity of the proposed circuit.
The boost converter can have three possible operating modes, and they are the continuous conduction mode (CCM), discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), and boundary conduction mode (BCM). The CCM method is commonly used in the applications of slightly higher power and low input voltage. Its advantages consist of less current stress and ripple and better power factor. Its disadvantages are the hard switching of the switch and the reverse recovery problem of the output diode. However, the application of the soft-switching technique can improve the switching losses and reverse recovery problem of the output diode. The overall efficiency of the converter can be raised. There are soft-switching methods of zero-voltage- switching (ZVS) and zero-current-switching (ZCS). The zero-voltage-transition (ZVT) and zero- current-transition (ZCT) methods have also been applied to improve the performance of the converter . Until now, more and more soft-switching techniques have been applied to the interleaved boost converter. The conventional interleaved boost converter needs two inductors and two cores. However, the interleaved coupled-inductor boost converter uses only one core with two input inductors coupled to reduce the cost and volume. It is an important development object in recent years. This paper discusses the interleaved coupled-inductor boost converter. To achieve the soft switching of the interleaved coupled-inductor boost converter, only a single auxiliary circuit is needed. The proposed circuit only needs an auxiliary resonant circuit to simultaneously achieve the soft-switching characteristic of the two main switches in the interleaved coupled-inductor boost converter. The switching loss can be reduced and the cost can also be dropped greatly. The two boost converters can share the input and output currents and the input and output current ripples can also be reduced in the proposed converter. The operating frequency of the core is double that of the switching frequency to increase the utilization rate of the core. The small duty cycle of the proposed converter can reduce the conduction losses of the switches and diameters of the winding turns.
The proposed novel soft-switching interleaved coupled-inductor boost converter can achieve the better performance with the less cost. By using the characteristic of the coupled-inductor in the interleaved converter, a single auxiliary resonant module can achieve the soft-switching effects of the two main switches. Due to the effect of the coupling-inductor, the equivalent circuit of the proposed circuit is like the parasitic capacitors of the two main switches in parallel to resonate with the auxiliary inductor. The design concept is similar to that of the single-module ZVT boost converter. Comparing to the complicated soft-switching design of the conventional soft-switching interleaved converter, the proposed converter has the advantage of the simple architecture. Furthermore, the voltage gain of the proposed converter is higher than that of the conventional interleaved converter. The proposed converter can achieve the ZVT turn-on and smaller-current turn-off of the main switches to improve the efficiency with less cost, smaller volume, and higher gain.
A novel soft-switching interleaved coupled- inductor boost converter is proposed in this paper. The simplest auxiliary resonant circuit is presented to realize the ZVT turn-on and smaller-current turn-off properties of the two main switches. Compared to the past interleaved boost converter, due to the coupling characteristic of the input inductors, only a single auxiliary resonant module is enough in the proposed converter to achieve the soft-switching function of the interleaved coupled-inductor boost converter. The proposed converter can be operated in the continuous mode to reduce the current ripple and increase the power rating. In addition to the reduction of the volume and cost of the input inductors, only a single auxiliary resonant circuit can also make the cost of the proposed converter reduced further. Simulation and experiments finally verify the validity of the proposed circuit.
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