This paper suggested a reconfigurable single phase inverter topology for a hybrid AC/DC solar powered home. This inverter possess a single phase single stage topology and the main advantage of this converter is that it can perform DC/DC, DC/AC and grid tie operation, thus reduces loss, cost, size of the converter. This hybrid AC/DC home has appliances of both AC and DC types. This type of home helps to reduce the power loss by avoiding unnecessary double stages of power conversion and improves the harmonic profile by isolating DC type loads to DC supply side and rest of AC side. Firstly, simulation is done in MATLAB/Simulink and secondly, obtained results are validated with hardware implementation using Arduino Uno controller. Such type of solar powered home and inverter would be a basic building block.
Harmonic mitigation in the distribution system using solar inverter by virtual harmonic damping impedance method is discussed in literature. In ref., PV-Battery storage system is used to control the voltage stability in distribution system. The control of solar powered grid connected inverter for electric vehicle charging is suggested in has proposed the DC microgrid and shown its advantages and challenges of making a complete DC home microgrid. Further, this paper has analyzed by considering all buildings in 2050, 80 % of buildings are already built. So, focus is more on improving the efficiency of existing buildings than making a new complete DC home.has analyzed the efficiency of residential building when it is converted into DC house over the conventional AC distribution house. They analyzed the data of 14 states in USA which used 380 V and 24 V voltages for DC distribution in home. There is a 33% savings when the AC equipment is replaced with DC equipment. But replacing all existing home appliances with its DC equivalent is not possible due to the high price and unavailability of the required standards/flexibilities of equipment proposes a novel solution to mitigate some of the harmonics related problems and efficiency issues by proposing a hybrid AC/DC Home grid system. A solar home is discussed as a case study and a 12% improvement in efficiency and a 20% reduction in harmonics are achieved by shifting DC loads to the DC supply side.
But having a separate converter for battery’s power management system will increase the cost and size of the converter as well. Hence, a three phase topology of reconfigurable solar inverter is introduced for utility PV system with battery storage. This reconfigurable system is suitable to solar and wind farm applications. This topology is tested with a new algorithm and validated the results. Normally every solar powered household have a battery system to provide a reliable supply system. Normally these batteries are charged when connected to AC system or they need a separate converter to manage the charging operations when it connected to DC supply side. Though provides very brief info but no details/outcomes are available about single phase single stage topology which can supply both AC and DC loads in literature. Therefore, the main contribution of this paper is to implement a single phase single-stage solar converter called reconfigurable solar converter (RSC) in the solar powered hybrid AC/DC residential building with energy storage devices. The basic concept of the RSC is to use a single power conversion system to perform different operational modes such as solar PV to grid (Inverter operation, DC-AC), solar PV to battery/DC loads (DC-DC operation), battery to grid (DC-AC), battery/PV to grid (DC to AC) and Grid to battery (AC-DC) for solar PV systems with energy storage. This inverter is tested in a solar powered Hybrid AC/DC home which contains both AC and DC household loads. Individual appliances are selected according to the harmonic contributions they are injecting to the distribution grid from a typical modern house. Apart from the aforementioned, other additional contributions are as follow. The electrical components and sensors are different, and normal inductor only used for DC/DC operation. The variation in solar radiation is also considered and solar PV-Battery operation is verified. The circulation current is mitigated due to operation of the switches in the topology for DC/DC operation. Control logic and sampling of input quantities are also different in this paper.
This paper suggested a more suitable converter topology for a solar powered hybrid AC/DC home. The main concepts of this topology is that a single phase single conversion of AC power to DC and vice versa is employed, which improved the efficiency, reduces volume and enhances the reliability. The hardware implementation validates that the suggested converter topologies would be helpful to reduce significant amount of harmonics in the residential feeders of the future Smart Grid. Though, here only solar PV is considered as source of power, this topology could be equally applicable to wind, fuel cells etc.
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