Compressive Sampling(CS) is very useful forenergy-efficient transmission in wireless sensor network. However, energy cost when this technology is adopted has notbeen paid more attention clearly, which leads to someadditional and unknown expenditures for real applications. Inthis paper, we verify two important facts for energyconsumption: 1) Different from the view of previous literature,the cost of measure processing is not trivial. As the number ofmeasurements increasing, it is a considerable percentagecontrasted to transmission cost. 2) The value of measurementconstantly changes along the routing, which may cause a costjump in a specific location. Based on our findings from thesystem measurements, we propose an energy-efficienttransmission approach based on CS. With our experiments,energy will be decreased about 18.2%. Our work gives apotential guideline for future designs in the field of theprolongation of lifetime of WSN.


The reason is that the cost of forwarding is less thanthat of transmitting required measurements. Afterwards, CSis utilized because its advantage will appear when thenumber of required forward for the relay sensors become large. The sizes of ID and data of the package are further taken into account. According to our real tests for this method, its performance cannot always reach to the optimal performance that is computed in theory. In the otherword, some unknown facts influence its practice effect, andthus the timing of the change between both methods should +be further explored. That is, the size of data package maynot fully reflect energy costs of sensors. Due to too much attention on theories of CS and itsapplication scenarios, the execution costs of sensors may be notpaid attention in the most of previous literatures. Presentingobservations from our operating sensor system with a lot ofnodes,we adequately measure the extents of two importantfacts for energy consumption from different perspectives: Oneis that power cost in the process of measuring cannot be neglected although it seems inappreciable. In the traditional view, it belongs to compute process and is ignored. The otherone is that the size of data package is changing continually inthe process of data gathering, which may lead to an abrupthopping for energy consumption. Through exploring the keyfactors of power consumption of sensors, an energy-efficientCS-based transmission approach, ECS, is proposed whichunites both CS and CR. This paper is the extended work of ourprevious research. With this method, the processing ofgenerating data package is paid more attention and sensors willfurther save energy in the global sensor network.



Our contributions in this paper are as following: We verify two important facts for energy consumption in our real sensor network.To the best of ourknowledge, it is the first work that detailed processbased on compressive sensing is validated at areferable scale of WSN.  We propose an efficient transmission approach, ECS,and extensive experiments verify the superiority of ECS.Our work provides a prospective guidance for designingpreferable sensor network in the future.VI.


In this paper, we present an energy-efficient transmission approach based on CS, ECS, through verifying energyconsumption of the network in the processing of CStechnology. We validate its performance in the real systemand demonstrate its practicability. Our work provides aprospective guidance for designing preferable sensor network.


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