One of the most important applications of radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology is to detect unknowntags brought by new tagged items, misplacement, or counterfeittags. While unknown tag identification is able to pinpointall the unknown tags, probabilistic unknown tag detection ispreferred in large-scale RFID systems that need to be frequentlychecked up, e.g., real-time inventory monitoring. Nevertheless,most of the previous solutions are neither efficient nor reliable.The communication efficiency of former schemes is not welloptimized due to the transmission of unhelpful data. Furthermore,they do not consider characteristics of unreliable wirelesschannels in RFID systems. In this paper, we propose a fast andreliable method for probabilistic unknown tag detection, whitepaper (WP) protocol. The key novelty of WP is to build a newdata structure of composite message that consists of all theinformative data from several independent detection synopses;thus it excludes useless data from communication. Furthermore,we employ packet loss differentiation and adaptive channelhopping techniques to combat unreliable backscatter channels.We implement a prototype system using USRP software-definedradio and WISP tags to show the feasibility of this design. We alsoconduct extensive simulations and comparisons to show thatWP outperforms previous methods. Compared with the state-ofthe-artprotocols, WP achieves more than 2× performance gainin terms of time-efficiency when all the channels are assumed freeof errors and the number of tags is 10000, and achieves up to12× success probability gain when the burstiness is morethan 80%.



In this paper, we have proposed a fast and reliableprobabilistic unknown tag detection scheme. At its core,we observed that much data in prior communication messageswas of no help in detecting unknown tags. Thus,we have proposed a compact message design that includedonly informative data, excluding all the unhelpful datafrom communication. In addition, various energy-time tradeoffshave also been achieved in our analytic framework.An extended protocol dealing with unreliable channels hasbeen considered using novel packet loss differentiation andadaptive channel hopping techniques. Our analysis and experimentshave showed that the proposed protocols can significantlyoutperform previous methods in terms of timeefficiency, energy efficiency, and robustness. In the future,we are going to investigate applications of the highly efficientdetection schemes in this work, e.g., efficient unknown tagidentification solution, tag search and missing-tag identificationin the presence of unknown tags.


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