The rapidly increasing number of images on the internet has further increased the need for efficient indexing for digital image searching of large databases. The design of a cloud service that provides high efficiency but compact image indexing remains challenging, partly due to the well-known semantic gap between user queries and the rich semantics of large-scale data sets. In this paper, we construct a novel joint semantic-visual space by leveraging visual descriptors and semantic attributes, which narrows the semantic gap by combining both attributes and indexing into a single framework. Such a joint space embraces the flexibility of coherent semantic-visual indexing, which employs binary codes to boost retrieval speed while maintaining accuracy. To solve the proposed model, we make the following contributions. First, we propose an interactive optimization method to find the joint semantic and visual descriptor space. Second, we prove convergence of our optimization algorithm, which guarantees a good solution after a certain number of iterations. Third, we integrate the semantic-visual joint space system with spectral hashing, which finds an efficient solution to search up to billion-scale data sets. Finally, we design an online cloud service to provide a more efficient online multimedia service. Experiments on two standard retrieval datasets (i.e., Holidays1M, Oxford5K) show that the proposed method is promising compared with the current state-of-the-art and that the cloud system significantly improves performance.