A Bi-objective Hyper-heuristic Support Vector Machines for Big Data Cyber-Security
Cyber security in the context of big data is known to be a critical problem and presents a great challenge to the research community. Machine learning algorithms have been suggested as candidates for handling big data security problems. A these algorithms, support vector machines (SVMs) have achieved remarkable success on various classification problems. However, to establish an effective SVM, the user needs to define the proper SVM configuration in advance, which is a challenging task that requires expert knowledge and a large amount of manual effort for trial and error. In this work, we formulate the SVM configuration process as a bi-objective optimisation problem in which accuracy and model complexity are considered as two conflicting objectives. We propose a novel hyperheuristic framework for bi-objective optimisation that is independent of the problem domain. This is the first time that a hyper-heuristic has been developed for this problem. The proposed hyper-heuristic framework consists of a high-level strategy and low-level heuristics. The high-level strategy uses the search performance to control the selection of which low-level heuristic should be used to generate a new SVM configuration. The low-level heuristics each use different rules to effectively explore the SVM configuration search space. To address bi-objective optimisation, the proposed framework adaptively integrates the strengths of decomposition- and Pareto-based approaches to approximate the Pareto set of SVM configurations. The effectiveness of the proposed framework has been evaluated on two cyber security problems: Microsoft malware big data classification and anomaly intrusion detection. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed framework is very effective, if not superior, compared with its counterparts and other algorithms.
Existing System:
This work presents a novel bi-objective hyper-heuristic framework for SVM configuration optimisation. Hyperheuristics are more effective than other methods because they are independent of the particular task at hand and can often obtain highly competitive configurations. Our proposed hyper-heuristic framework integrates several key components that differentiate it from existing works to find an effective SVM configuration for big data cyber security. First, the framework considers a bi-objective formulation of the SVM configuration problem, in which the accuracy and model complexity are treated as two conflicting objectives. Second, the framework controls the selection of both the kernel type and kernel parameters as well as the soft margin parameter. Third, the hyper-heuristic framework combines the strengths of decomposition- and Pareto-based approaches in an adaptive manner to find an approximate Pareto set of SVM configurations.
Proposed System:
The performance of the proposed framework is validated and compared with that of state-of-the-art algorithms on two cyber security problems: Microsoft malware bigdata classification and anomaly intrusion detection. The empirical results fully demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework on both problems.
In this work, we proposed a hyper-heuristic SVM optimisation framework for big data cyber security problems. We formulated the SVM configuration process as a biobjective optimisation problem in which accuracy and model complexity are treated as two conflicting objectives. This bi-objective optimisation problem can be solved using the proposed hyper-heuristic framework. The framework integrates the strengths of decomposition- and Paretobased approaches to approximate the Pareto set of configurations. Our framework has been tested on two benchmark cyber security problem instances: Microsoft malware big data classification and anomaly intrusion detection. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of the proposed framework in achieving competitive, if not superior, results compared with other algorithms.
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