Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) is an emerging type of cloud service that offers configurable and executable business processes to clients over the Internet. As BPaaS is still in early years of research, many open issues remain. Managing the configuration of BPaaS builds on areas such as software product lines and configurable business processes. The problem has concerns to consider from several perspectives, such as the different types of variable features, constraints between configuration options, and satisfying the requirements provided by the client. In our approach, we use temporal logic templates to elicittransactional requirements from clients that the configured service must adhere to. For formalizing constraints over configuration,feature models are used. To manage all these concerns during BPaaS configuration, we develop a structured process that applies formal methods while directing clients through specifying transactional requirements and selecting configurable features.The Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) analysis is then used to verify that the selected configurable features do not violate any constraints. Finally, model checking is applied to verify the configured service against the transactional requirement set. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach with several validation scenarios and performance evaluations.
There is an increasing research interest in related areas such as configurable cloud service applications, and configurable or adaptive business process models. Based on our analysis ofrelated work as well as the various uses of BPaaS asoutlined by the scenarios in Section 4, we identify a set of criteria, and group them in two categories, namely, Support, focused on the modeling of the business process, and Correctness, focused on the verification of process correctness.The Support criteria is related to the business process expressiveness enabled by the approach. The Process Formalism criterion identifies how the approach expresses business processes. If business process structures are not explicitly incorporated in the approach, the value is left blank. The next criteria specify whether it is capable of modeling resource and data and configurability. Finally, the means of expressing domain constraints are identified for comparison.Correctness Criteria identifies the properties that areensured during the configuration or adaptation approach.Process model criteria refers to structural orbehavioral correctness of the process model, such assoundness or syntactical correctness. Some approaches may also analyze the configurability of the model to identify issues such as contradictions or circular dependencies. The final criterion identifies the client requirements that are input into the process,such as selections of features , or more complex behavioral requirements
we propose a three-stepconfiguration and verification process which relies ona modeling paradigm. Such paradigm allows us tocapture transactional requirements and subsequentlyverify them. Our approach is expressive and relativelyeasy to use by stakeholders, while at the same timebeing sufficiently rigorous to allow us to apply formalmethods for verification.
The increase in cloud computing adaptations in recentyears has produced the concept of Business Processas a Service (BPaaS), whereby service providers areable to offer common or proven business processes toclients looking to automate and/or outsource parts oftheir operations. We address the problem of managingBPaaS configuration in a way to ensure that theresulting service i) is valid with respect to configurationconstraints of the provider, and ii) satisfiestransactional requirements drawn from the businessrules of the client. Our approach utilizes several modellingtechniques, including BPMN for business processstructure, statecharts for transactional state, featuremodels for configuration constraints. Using thesemodels, we develop a BPaaS configuration processthat applies Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) analysisand model checking. BDD analysis ensures that BPaaSfeatures selected during configuration do not violatethe domain constraints of the service provider, whilemodel checking verifies the configured BPaaS againsttransactional requirements provided by the client. Toreduce the impact of state-space explosion, we employa state-space reduction algorithm and split the modelchecking into two phases. These phases verify differentconfiguration perspectives separately, and allowfor the state space and temporal logic properties to bereduced further. Our performance analysis shows thatthe proposed configuration method is capable of verifyingmodels with hundreds of activities, resources,data objects, and requirement sets within seconds.\
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