Provably secure and lightweight identity-based  authenticated data sharing protocol for  cyber-physical cloud environment



Secure and efficient file storage and sharing via  authenticated physical devices remain challenging to achieve  in a cyber-physical cloud environment, particularly due to the  diversity of devices used to access the services and data. Thus in  this paper, we present a lightweight identity-based authenticated  data sharing protocol to provide secure data sharing a  geographically dispersed physical devices and clients. The proposed  protocol is demonstrated to resist chosen-ciphertext attack  (CCA) under the hardness assumption of decisional-Strong Diffie-  Hellman (SDH) problem. We also evaluate the performance of  the proposed protocol with existing data sharing protocols in  terms of computational overhead, communication overhead, and  response time.

Existing System 

Based on the home agent (HA) and mobile subscriber data  stored in the relevant databases, mobile network operators  can decide whether to provide or decline requests to access  particular services (i.e. Authentication, Authorization, and  Accounting – AAA). After the mobile subscriber has been  authenticated, the mobile user’s request(s) will be forwarded  to the cloud controllers (CC). The latter processes the requests  and provides the relevant services. There are, however, a  number of security challenges for such an environment, such  as the following: Mutual Authentication: This is one of the most fundamental  security attributes required in CPSs (and generally  many other systems). It is assumed that the server may  be dishonest or not fully trusted. Specifically, both client  and server first complete the authorization process by verifying  the authenticity of each other, prior to exchanging  any confidential data over public networks.  _ Anonymity: This allows the hiding of the identity of the  client or user, even when an adversary has intercepted  some messages from the public channel.  _ Password protection: The need to ensure password  protection in password-based authentication system is  clear, and the client device is usually one of the weaker  links. Specifically, the client or user generally uses lowentropy  password to facilitate memorization, and such  passwords are vulnerable to password guessing attacks.  _ Impersonation resilience: Client-server communication  protocol runs are executed over an insecure channel, and  thus a malicious user can attempt to impersonate as either  the client or the server to the other party.  _ Data integrity and confidentiality: A secure protocol  should provide strong data integrity and confidentiality  for every transmitted message. Data integrity assures the  receiver that the message has not been modified, and  confidentiality ensures that only authorized users/devices  can have access to the data.

Proposed System 

The proposed protocol is designed to achieve authentication  between a physical device and the cloud controller, and provide  a secure end-to-end secure communication in the cloud  using IBE scheme. Specifically,  1) Our proposed protocol provides mutual authentication,  and essential features such as client registration, login,  mutual authentication, password renewal. The protocol  also ensures user anonymity. We also demonstrate its  resilience against known security attacks (e.g., insider  attack, impersonation attack, session key computation  attack), and its correctness using AVISPA simulation  tool.  2) Once the physical devices are authenticated, the next  phase is secure end-to-end communication. For this,  the proposed encryption technique is used on bilinear  pairing with a small public parameter-size. We then  demonstrate that it is IND-ID-CCA secure based on the  decisional-SDH (Strong Diffie-Hellman) assumption.


In this paper, a new identity-based authenticated data sharing  (IBADS) protocol is designed for cyber-physical cloud  systems based on bilinear pairing. In the IBADS, there are two  phases. First, a new data owner needs to register. Second, the  data owner sends an encrypted message to the untrusted cloud  controller using some client devices. We then demonstrated the  security and correctness of the protocol, as well as evaluating  its performance.  In future research, we intend to implement a prototype of  the proposed protocol so that we can evaluate its practicability  in a real-world setting.


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