Power quality enhancement of grid-connected wind power generation system by SMES
Dispersed power generation systems are expected asimportant electric power supply systems for the next generation.Wind power generation system (WPGS) is widely beingintroduced in the worldwide power utilities. The WPGS outputpower fluctuates due to wind speed variations. Hence, if a largenumber of wind power generators are connected to the gridsystem, their output can cause serious power quality problems,that is, frequency and voltage fluctuations may happen. In order to solve these problems, the smoothing control ofwind power generator output is very important. In addition,Superconducting Magnet Energy Storage (SMES) is surely one ofthe key technologies to overcome these fluctuations. The SMEScan compensate even small disturbances. With these points asbackground, this paper deals with power quality enhancement ofgrid-connected WPGS by pitch control and SMES. EMTDC andRTDS based simulations are performed for a small island powersystem including WPGS and the results are discussed in detail.
This paper deals with the power quality enhancement of the WPGS included power system by pitch control and SMESunit. Minimization of frequency fluctuations of the WPGS bySMES is also discussed. From the simulation results, it can beconcluded that the SMES is a very effective device forstabilization of the WPGS included power system. Severalpoints are worthy to note regarding this study. a. Frequency fluctuations occur due to the output power fluctuations of the WPGS in a small Island power system. b. Frequency fluctuations cause a serious problem under light load condition during night time. c. System fluctuations can be minimized by SMES and effective control of the WPGS. d. System frequency fluctuation level depends on the SMEScapacity. e. At least, 2.5[MJ] of SMES system is required for thefrequency stabilization of the Ulleung Island power system.
[1] Kai T. “System link of wind turbine generator,” Trans. IEE Japan, vol.124, pp. 27-31, 2004.
[2] N. Dinic, B. Fox, D. Flynn, L. Xu and A. Kennedy, “Increasing wind farmcapacity,” IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., vol. 153, no. 4, pp. 493498,Jul.2006.
[3] Senjyu T. Kinto T, Uezato K, Fujita H. “Terminal voltage and outputpower control of induction generation by series and parallel compensationusing SMES,” Trans, IEE Japan, vol 149, Issue 3, pp. 15-23, Aug. 2003.
[4] Z. Saad-Saoud, M. L.Lisboa, J. B. Ekanayake, N. Jenkins, G. Strbac,”Application of STATCOMs to wind farms,” IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm.Distrib., vol. 145, no. 5, pp. 511-516, Sep. 1998.
[5] M. H. Ali, T. Murata, T. Tamura, “Minimization of Fluctuation of LinePower and Terminal Voltage of Wind Generator by Fuzzy LogicControlledSMES,”IREE,vol.1, no.4, pp.559-566,Oct.2006.
[6] Tomoki Asao, Rion Takahashi “Smoothing Control of Wind PowerGenerator Output by Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System”,Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Machines andSystems, pp. 302-307, 2007.
[7] Young-Tack Seo, Sang-Jin Kwan, “Influence of Grid Operation fromUllung Wind Power Plant” ETRI Journal, Vol.22, 2001.
[8] RSCAD/RTDS Manual: RTDS Technologies Inc., 2005
[9] PSCAD/EMTDC Power Systems Simulation Manual: Manitoba HVDC Research Centre, 1995
[10] P. W. Carlin, A. S. Laxson, E. B. Muljaldi, “The History and State of the Art of Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Technology,” Technical report,National Renewable Energy Laboratory, pp. 1-63, Feb. 2001.
Dispersed power generation systems are expected asimportant electric power supply systems for the next generation.Wind power generation system (WPGS) is widely beingintroduced in the worldwide power utilities. The WPGS outputpower fluctuates due to wind speed variations. Hence, if a largenumber of wind power generators are connected to the gridsystem, their output can cause serious power quality problems,that is, frequency and voltage fluctuations may happen. In order to solve these problems, the smoothing control ofwind power generator output is very important. In addition,Superconducting Magnet Energy Storage (SMES) is surely one ofthe key technologies to overcome these fluctuations. The SMEScan compensate even small disturbances. With these points asbackground, this paper deals with power quality enhancement ofgrid-connected WPGS by pitch control and SMES. EMTDC andRTDS based simulations are performed for a small island powersystem including WPGS and the results are discussed in detail.
This paper deals with the power quality enhancement of the WPGS included power system by pitch control and SMESunit. Minimization of frequency fluctuations of the WPGS bySMES is also discussed. From the simulation results, it can beconcluded that the SMES is a very effective device forstabilization of the WPGS included power system. Severalpoints are worthy to note regarding this study. a. Frequency fluctuations occur due to the output power fluctuations of the WPGS in a small Island power system. b. Frequency fluctuations cause a serious problem under light load condition during night time. c. System fluctuations can be minimized by SMES and effective control of the WPGS. d. System frequency fluctuation level depends on the SMEScapacity. e. At least, 2.5[MJ] of SMES system is required for thefrequency stabilization of the Ulleung Island power system.
[1] Kai T. “System link of wind turbine generator,” Trans. IEE Japan, vol.124, pp. 27-31, 2004.
[2] N. Dinic, B. Fox, D. Flynn, L. Xu and A. Kennedy, “Increasing wind farmcapacity,” IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., vol. 153, no. 4, pp. 493498,Jul.2006.
[3] Senjyu T. Kinto T, Uezato K, Fujita H. “Terminal voltage and outputpower control of induction generation by series and parallel compensationusing SMES,” Trans, IEE Japan, vol 149, Issue 3, pp. 15-23, Aug. 2003.
[4] Z. Saad-Saoud, M. L.Lisboa, J. B. Ekanayake, N. Jenkins, G. Strbac,”Application of STATCOMs to wind farms,” IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm.Distrib., vol. 145, no. 5, pp. 511-516, Sep. 1998.
[5] M. H. Ali, T. Murata, T. Tamura, “Minimization of Fluctuation of LinePower and Terminal Voltage of Wind Generator by Fuzzy LogicControlledSMES,”IREE,vol.1, no.4, pp.559-566,Oct.2006.
[6] Tomoki Asao, Rion Takahashi “Smoothing Control of Wind PowerGenerator Output by Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System”,Proceeding of International Conference on Electrical Machines andSystems, pp. 302-307, 2007.
[7] Young-Tack Seo, Sang-Jin Kwan, “Influence of Grid Operation fromUllung Wind Power Plant” ETRI Journal, Vol.22, 2001.
[8] RSCAD/RTDS Manual: RTDS Technologies Inc., 2005
[9] PSCAD/EMTDC Power Systems Simulation Manual: Manitoba HVDC Research Centre, 1995
[10] P. W. Carlin, A. S. Laxson, E. B. Muljaldi, “The History and State of the Art of Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Technology,” Technical report,National Renewable Energy Laboratory, pp. 1-63, Feb. 2001.