Multi-Level Security Embedded with Surveillance System
Graveness of Guarding is an essential component of any system or organization in an increasingly hacking environment. Layers of protection are necessary. This paper presents a model to develop a multilevel security system. To reach or access inner most circle, three stages of security system endorsement will be necessary, making it the primary level of security. These include the Hex Keypad, Bluetooth & RFID. The valuables in the inner vault are further secured with a secondary system completely separate from the primary, consisting of a Fingerprint Scanner. Any security breach detected will alert the authorities with the help of a GSM Shield, therefore taking the necessary response immediately. Continuous surveillance with online streaming is also demonstrated using Raspberry Pi and a Digital Camera, further safeguarding the valuables.
Raspberry pi camera has been used in this system but unlike [6] this paper not only helps to capture images but also helps for a 24*7 surveillance of the innermost circle on the host IP address. The important part being the surveillance does not start only when some motion is detected [7], in fact it is continuously streaming. If in the innermost circle any item has to be accessed, the pressure sensor has to be deactivated by the fingerprint module [8], so only a top-level authorised person can touch the item. In case the pressure sensor is not deactivated GSM module [14] sends a message to the all the authorised mobile [9]. Risk analysis of the system has not been taken place which can add to one of the most important innovation
To reach to the innermost circle or the secondary security circle of the model, multiple loops of security have to be passed. The first one consists of digital locking system using Hex keypad, once the correct passkey has been entered the door opens and you are now in the second loop where you need to send a particular code to the Bluetooth module which will open the next door. The third loop consist of RFID scanner which will require authorised tag to open the door. This has been shown in Fig. 2. Once a correct tag has been used you are now in the secondary security circle. This has the most valuable items placed on it. Powered with a completely different unit, this vault is completely isolated from the exterior system. Placed under the valuable items are pressure sensor which are activated once an item is picked from the vault. If the fingerprint sensor scans the correct fingerprint, then there is no alert message of danger are sent via the GSM module. If the goods are picked, without the protocol, the GSM module, alerts the authorities video feed of the vault. Fig. 3 represents the inner security loop with the flow of the events occurring. If the prints are matched, the goods can be accessed without any difficulties.
Achieving the multi-level of security has been observed in this model, which consists of two different mechanisms to reach the vault and to access the good in the vault, powered by different powering units. The primary system consists of three things, namely the Hex Keypad, Bluetooth module and the RFID. All of the three systems have a coded password, which is known to the authorized person who has the clearance to enter into the next level only. Fig. 9 shows us the model for Primary Level of Security, working on the first protocol. Online Streaming of the innermost circle is done using Raspberry pi processor which can be viewed by typing the IP address of the host in any web server. Thus the activities taking place in the innermost circle can be viewed anytime and anywhere when you have an internet connection, thus ensuring the security. Table 3 gives the specifications for the same.
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