60An Aggregate Functional Software Architecture on Android for End-2-End Real-Time Interactive Content Management to Cater IPTV Services on Digital Handheld Devices.Abstract
61Android suburban railway ticketing with GPS as ticket checker.Abstract
62Android: Changing the Mobile Landscape.Abstract
63Android4TV: A proposition for integration of DTV in Android devices.Abstract
64Android-based exercise application.Abstract
65Automatic brightness control of the handheld device display with low illumination.Abstract
66Cloud to Device Push Messaging on Android.Abstract
68Video CD Library Management SystemAbstract
69Cloud to Device Push Messaging on Android.Abstract
70Collecting earthquake disaster area information using smart phone.Abstract
71Design and implementation of doctor-patient interaction system based on android.Abstract
72Design and implementation of digital TV widget for Android on multi-core platform.Abstract
73Design and implementation of automatic number plate recognition on android platform.Abstract
74Design and Implementation of Android Phone Surveillance System.Abstract
75Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Information Integration System Based on Android Mobile Terminals.Abstract
76Design and implement of 3G mobile police system.Abstract
77Database refactoring and regression testing of Android mobile applications.Abstract
78Daily Mood Assessment Based on Mobile Phone Sensing.Abstract
79Daily life activity tracking application for smart homes using android Smartphone.Abstract
80Content-aware smart remote control for Android-based TV.Abstract