An Energy Efficient LED Lighting System for Domestic Applications
This project is implemented on ARM, the sensor which detects the day light is used to switch outdoor lighting and the PIR sensor which detects the entering person into room are used here to regulate the indoor lighting intensity, which is done through PWM shifting technique. Saving the electricity is not difficult. Just by turn off the light when leaving the room, turn off computer when finish the work, unplug electronic accessories when finish recharging and etc. Various light regulate systems are introduced in prevailing markets, because the installed lighting systems are outdated and energy-inefficient. However, due to architectural constraints, the existing light regulate systems cannot be successfully applied to home and office buildings. Therefore, this paper proposes an intelligent domiciliary LED lighting system considering energy efficiency and user satisfaction. The proposed system employs multi sensors and wireless communication technology in order to regulate an LED light according to the user’s state and the surroundings. The proposed LED lighting system can individually adapt the minimum light intensity value to enhance both energy efficiency and user satisfaction.
Existing System:
In order to use efficient Electricity we propose an Intelligent Domiciliary LED Lighting System, which automatically regulates the lighting system outside & inside of house and timely displays the consumed Energy, There are many researches on the lighting regulate system. Pan proposed a wireless sensor network-based intelligent light regulate system for indoor environments. This light regulate system manages lighting accessories according to user’s activities and profiles. Two algorithms (Illumination decision algorithm and device regulate algorithm) are proposed to meet requirements of the user and to save energy. Uhm et al proposed an LED light system with light sensors, motion Sensors, and network interfaces. This light regulate system can regulate illumination intensity of an LED light based on Brightness of surrounding and movement of residents. Park Presented lighting regulate system based on a building automation and regulate network (BACnet). Proposed a light regulate system with detailed design for energy saving by regulating the intensity of illumination. In this paper, a logical low cost design is introduced to conserve electrical energy taking daylight illumination into Consideration by using a wireless sensor network. Presented an building lighting automation system using digital addressable lighting interface (DALI) accessories with wireless sensor networks.
Proposed System:
The proposed system basically regulates illumination intensity of a lighting device according to user movement and brightness of surroundings. That is, when the maximum value of illumination intensity of a lighting device is Lmax and the minimum value is Lmin, the illumination intensity becomes Lmax, if user movement is detected and becomes Lmin, if user movement is not detected for certain period time. It can be confirmed that as Tr is longer, Tm and Tf are shorter, and Lmax and Lmin are smaller, the energy saving effect becomes larger. However, it implies the possibility that inconvenience of users can be bigger because of frequent light on/off, and dark indoor environment, etc. whereas the energy saving effect becomes larger. LPC2148 Microregulateler Architecture. The ARM7TDMI-S is a general purpose 32-bit microprocessor, which offers high performance and very low power consumption. The ARM architecture is based on Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) principles, and the instruction set and related decode mechanism are much simpler than those of micro programmed Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISC). This simplicity results in a high instruction throughput and impressive real-time interrupt response from a small and cost-effective processor core.
In order to use efficient Electricity we propose an Intelligent Domiciliary LED Lighting System, which automatically regulates the lighting system outside & inside of house and timely displays the consumed Energy. This project is implemented on ARM, the sensor which detects the day light is used to switch outdoor lighting and the PIR sensor which detects the entering person into room are used here to regulate the indoor lighting intensity, which is done through PWM shifting technique. The power consumed by these lighting systems will be displayed on LCD for the monitoring purpose.
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