Mobility induced by limb/body movements in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) significantly affects the link-quality ofintra-BAN and inter-BAN communication units, which, in turn, affects the Quality-of-Service (QoS) of each WBAN, in terms of reliability,efficient data transmission and network throughput guarantees. Further, the variation in link-quality between WBANs and AccessPoints (APs) makes the WBAN-equipped patients more resource-constrained in nature, which also increases the data disseminationdelay. Therefore, to minimize the data dissemination delay of the network, WBANs send patients’ physiological data to local serversusing the proposed opportunistic transient connectivity establishment algorithm. Additionally, limb/body movements induce dynamicchanges to the on-body network topology, which, in turn, increases the network management cost and decreases the life-time of thesensor nodes periodically. Also, mutual and cross technology interference a coexisting WBANs and other radio technologiesincreases the energy consumption rate of the sensor nodes and also the energy management cost. To address the problem ofincreased network management cost and data dissemination delay, we propose a network management cost minimization frameworkto optimize the network throughput and QoS of each WBAN. The proposed framework attempts to minimize the dynamic connectivity,interference management, and data dissemination costs for opportunistic WBAN. We have, theoretically, analyzed the performance ofthe proposed framework to provide reliable data transmission in opportunistic WBANs. Simulation results show significant improvementin the network performance compared to the existing solutions.


Energy efficiency and network management cost minimizationare two issues of primary concern in opportunistic WBANs,which are required to provide reliable and cost-effective healthcareservices to the critical patients. Therefore, several researchworks targeted to address these issues. We review some ofthe relevant existing works, which motivate us to specificallyaddress these issues.Due to unpredictable RF attenuation and human posturalchanges, the on-body topology of WBANs change significantly,thereby decreasing the overall performance of the network. Tomaintain the on-body topology of WBANs, Quwaider et al. [7]proposed a store-and-forward packet routing algorithm, whichuses stochastic link cost formulation for capturing multi-scaletopological localities of WBANs. This work is only limited tointra-body communication units of WBANs. As this work islimited to intra-body communication, in the presence of groupbasedmobility, the inter-body communication of WBANs getsaffected, which inherently increases the service delay of thenetwork. Consequently, Sipal et al. investigate the propagationproperties of WBANs for three different locations of LPUs— head, foot, and waist. The existing channels between theLPUs and sensor nodes are evaluated for frequencies 5 and7 GHz, as the location of the LPU has impact on the linkqualityof the intra-BAN and inter-BAN communication units.However, in a link failure situation, interference and inefficientrouting can make a WBAN unreliable, which increasesthe network management cost in WBANs. This issue remainsunaddressed in the existing literature.


The on-body sensor nodes are energy- and resource-constrained in nature. Mobility of WBANs constantly decreasesthe resource pool of the body sensor nodes, as the variationsin the link-qualities between LPUs and APs are temporal innature. Hence, the limitation in resource pool of body sensornodes affects the data transmission rate of WBANs and alsodeceases their life-time. Additionally, body/limb movementsdynamically change the on-body topologies of intra-BAN communicationunits, which increases the network managementcost of WBANs. To optimize the network management cost andenergy-efficiency of WBANs, we propose a novel framework toincrease the overall network performance. The specific contributionsof this work are presented as follows:_ This work proposes a novel network management costminimization framework for dynamic connectivity anddata dissemination in the intra-BAN and inter-BANcommunication units of WBANs to optimize the networkthroughput and effective network managementcost._ We consider the effects of irregular body movements forWBANs in different positions such as walking, running,sleeping, and sitting._ We study the behavior of WBANs for data transmissionin intra-BAN and inter-BAN communication units. Also,we implement an algorithm to minimize the networkmanagement cost for data dissemination in opportunisticWBANs._ The numerical results of this study demonstrate that theproposed algorithm can converge to the optimum andremarkably reduce the data dissemination delay andtotal energy consumption, compared to the algorithmwithout concurrent opportunistic data gathering andpower control._ We present theoretical analysis and extensive simulationresults to verify the convergence of the proposed algorithmand demonstrate that the proposed algorithm canachieve lower network management cost compared tothe opportunistic data dissemination process.


Body movements and mobility of WBANs periodically affectthe on-body network topology significantly. Due to the periodicchange in the on-body topology of body sensor nodes,the nodes get disconnected from the LPU, which inherentlyincreases the topology management, data transmission, mobilitymanagement, and the QoS management costs. Therefore,to manage the increased network management cost, we proposeda network management cost minimization frameworkfor opportunistic WBANs. In the presence of dynamic posturaldisconnections, the link-quality of intra-BAN and inter-BANcommunication units decreases, which, in turn, affects thenetwork management cost and the life-time of the sensor nodes.We proposed a joint energy-efficient and distributed networkmanagement cost minimization framework for dynamic connectivityand data dissemination in opportunistic WBANs.In the future, we propose to model a pricing mechanism foropportunistic data dissemination in WBANs. Additionally, wepropose to analyze the performance of the proposed frameworkin a real-life scenario.


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