With the growing popularity of web services, more and more developers are composing multiple services into mashups.Developers show an increasing interest in non-popular services (i.e., long-tail ones), however, there are very scarce studies trying toaddress the long-tail web service recommendation problem. The major challenges for recommending long-tail services accuratelyinclude severe sparsity of historical usage data and unsatisfactory quality of description content. In this paper, we propose to build adeep learning framework to address these challenges and perform accurate long-tail recommendations. To tackle the problem ofunsatisfactory quality of description content, we use stacked denoising autoencoders (SDAE) to perform feature extraction.Additionally, we impose the usage records in hot services as a regularization of the encoding output of SDAE, to provide feedback tocontent extraction. To address the sparsity of historical usage data, we learn the patterns of developers’ preference instead of modelingindividual services. Our experimental results on a real-world dataset demonstrate that, with such joint autoencoder based featurerepresentation and content-usage learning framework, the proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines significantly.
Existing personalized service recommendation approachescan be divided into two categories, i.e., QoS-based servicesrecommendations and functionality-based services recommendations.The method proposed in this paper belongs tofunctionality-based approachesFor this kind of algorithms, researchers assume that themashup developers are aware of functionally which categoriesof services should be involved, and focus on the nonfunctionalproperties of services such as reliability, availabilityand response time. A the works, introducedthe non-negative tensor factorization to perform temporalawaremissing QoS prediction with the triadic relationsof user-service-time model. fused the neighborhoodbasedand model-based collaborative filtering approachesto achieve a higher prediction accuracy. [9] proposed aQoS prediction by considering temporal information andemploying the random walk algorithm to overcome thesparsity. unified the modeling of multi-dimensionalQoS data via tensor and applied tensor decomposition topredict missing QoS valueFor functionality-based service recommendation, re-searchers focus on finding the services that meet the functionalrequirements the best. Mashup developers do notneed to be an expert of judging which service categoriesshould be involved. Some of the works recommended servicesaccording to potential interests of developers, othersrecommended services according to mashup queries. exploited the idea of collaborative topicregression and recommend services to meet the potentialinterests. proposed a method where LDA isused to model latent topics from WSDL documents, andthen recommend services for mashup queries based on thetopic relevance.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows.1939-1374 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for moreinformation._ We propose DLTSR, a deep learning framework toaddress a gradually emergent challenge in web serviceeconomy, i.e., the long-tail web service recommendations._ We use SDAE as a foundation. The transferredknowledge from usage in the hot service side, andthe modeling of the developers’ preference are incorporatedtightly with the SDAE part to boost theperformance of long-tail service recommendations._ Experiments on real-world dataset from ProgrammableWebshow that DLTSR gains an improvementof 4.1% on Recall@5, 12.0% on Recall@50, and7.1% on Recall@250, compared with the state-of-theartbaseline (modified) TCDR1
As long-tail services are playing an increasingly importantrole in web API economy, how to recommend long-tail webservices effectively is becoming a key issue. However, veryscarce work has focused this problem, and traditional webservice recommendation methods perform poorly on thelong-tail side.In this paper, we propose a deep learning frameworkwhich is specifically designed for this problem. To tacklethe problem of unsatisfactory quality of description givenby service developers and mashup queries, we use the deeplearning model SDAE as the basic component to learn robustand effective representations. Moreover, the knowledgefrom usages in the hot service side is transferred and imposedas a regularization on the output of SDAE to guide thelearning of representations. To make the best use of the fewlong-tail historical ratings, a special mechanism is designedto model developers’ preference. Experiments demonstratethat our method gains a significant improvement comparedwith the state-of-the-art baseline methods.In the future, we plan to incorporate more information,such as QoS, user profiles and social connection betweenservices into DLTSR to promote the accuracy of recommendations.We also plan to investigate more sophisticated deeplearning models such as convolutional neural networks orrecurrent neural networks, and activations such as ReLU orPReLU to further boost the performance.
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