Design and Development of ARM based Real-Time Industry Automation System using GSM



Automation is the current need of industries. There are number of technologies that are growing to achieve the good automation in the plant. One of the recently popular technologies is the automation using sensors and actuators. Here in this paper development of ARM7 and uC/OS-II RTOS based real-time industry automation system using GSM communication is presented. The proposed system is having centralized controller, sensors and relays. Centralized module is the main unit that collects the information from plant sensors and gives this information to the end user using GSM communication. Also whenever needed it control the production automatically by switching the relays and actuators. The ARM7 LPC2148 is used as monitoring and controlling unit for different parameters. Some time more than processes need to be monitor and control in real-time. To control the process in real-time uC/OS-II Real- Time Operating System and needful files are dumped in to ARM controller.ARM7 LPC2148 controller is programmed using Embedded C language. Results obtained show the usefulness and effectiveness of the system as planned


Existing System:

Automation is need of any industry to control industrial machinery and processes, reducing the need for human interference. With technology growing at a fast rate, automated machine status tracking system of completely automated processes is today’s need that will be used in a variety of ways to track and display machine information or status in Real-time on hand held devices with wireless technology like Zigbee/GSM/GPRS [1] .Currently available system are not fully automatic, these need to monitored time to time. Presently SCADA like systems are used for automation purpose but the problem is that such systems cannot be controlled from remote location. Also the shop floor data is not available to the higher authority persons like Manager, MD etc. In industry environment some process are completely automated for e.g. Sterlite industry is making the production of fiber optic cables, once the process started it runs continuously for months. In such processes some parameters like temperature, pressure, gas leakage, production achieved etc need to be controlled in real-time from remote location. There are few skilled persons in the industry; they need to touch in every moment about the parameters such as temperature, pressure, gas leakage, production achieved etc. By assuming this a automation system is developed in a such a way that even if concern person is not present at field, he can become aware, update and control the status of that particular plant with the help of GSM communication .Different sensors are mounted to get the data from plant environment. Sensor signals are given to the ARM controller for signal conditioning and according to the need controller is programmed and produces the control signals to control the operation .In this system two or more tasks need to be controlled and monitor at same time. In such system uC/OS-II RTOS is implemented to manage resource allocation to user in orderly and controlled manner by enabling the assignment of priority and priority conversion.


Proposed System:

The proposed work includes the collection of data from different sensors like temperature sensor, inductive sensor, IR sensor etc are placed in the production working environment. Out of all some sensors gives the analog data and some gives digital pulses, analog signals undergo signal conditioning to convert it to digital. The controller used is ARM7 LPC2148 which belongs from ARM family. Relays are used for controlling and switching purpose. Controller takes the sensor values and displays it on LCD and as also at the same time send it at remote location to alert user through GSM in the form of SMS .If sensor value exceeds than predefined then user can control the process by passing the commands the through SMS and action can be controlled using relay switching. For execution of operation in Real-Time uC/OS-II RTOS is ported and dumped into LPC2148. The proposed work is divided into two parts. First part consists of collection of data from different sensors like LM35 temperature sensor, inductive sensor and IR sensor etc. These sensors are mounted at different desired location in the plant to measures the parameters like temperature, metal detected, non-metallic abject detected, production achieved etc in real-time and gives this data to ARM7 LPC2148. In Second section microcontroller collects the all the sensor values and compare it with predefined values in the program.



The sensor based automation system can collect sensor data intelligently. It was designed based on ARM LPC2148 and uC/OS-II RTOS and the application of wireless communication. It is very suitable for real-time and effective requirements in data acquisition system in industrial environment. Different types of sensors can be used as long as they are connected to the system. We can monitor the plant environment through GSM. As the number of input to the ARM controller is limited, for industry purpose we can use the PLC controller for higher inputs/outputs. It is possible to develop android application for automation systems with the help of Internet communication.



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[2] Srikanth.K, Narayanaraju Samunuri, “RTOS Based Priority Dynamic Scheduling for Power Applications through DMA Peripherals”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) Volume- 4 Issue 8- August 2013

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[4] G.M. Sultan Mahmud Rana1, Abdullah Al Mamun Khan, Mohammad Nazmul Hoque, Abu Farzan Mitul ,“Design and Implementation Of A GSM Based Remote Home Security And Appliance Control System”, International Conference On Advances In Electrical Engineering (ICAEE 2013) 19-21 December ,2013,Dhaka, Bangladesh.