Design of ARM Based Embedded System for Industrial Application Using TCP/IP Network
In Embedded and real time data acquisition and control system, design and implementation of online embedded web server is challenging part. To interface real time embedded application like data acquisition, automation and control system in industries specially power generation plant. The World Wide Web is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billion of users worldwide. This paper show the design and development of online Interactive Data Acquisition and Control system(IDACS) using ARM base Embedded web server, it can be digital distributed control system. Processing capability of a system improve by single chip IDACS. This system uses ARM7 Processor portability with Real Time operating system (RTOS) it makes the system more real time and handling various processes based on multi tasking using embedded „C‟ language, Web server application is ported into an ARM processor.
Existing System:
In industries, systems are becoming very complex. Industries system needs to test the site equipments and environmental so it can track state of system in real time [4]. This system requires design which has to be flexible and adaptable, for that microcontroller based systems can be used. This is more reliable and provides high performance to the system. Microcontroller is very practical and successfully utilized, the conventional 8 and 16-bit Microcontroller has its deficiencies when compared with 32-bit [4]. The ARM architecture is based on Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) principles, and the instruction set and related decode mechanism are much simpler than those of micro programmed Complex Instruction Set Computers. This simplicity results in a high instruction throughput and impressive real-time interrupt response from a small and cost-effective processor core. Pipeline techniques are employed so that all parts of the processing and memory systems can operate continuously. Typically, while one instruction is being executed, its successor is being decoded, and a third instruction is being fetched from memory ARM based embedded system will be more functional, reliable, cost effective, less in size and low power consumption. Microcontroller has low speed and poor memory, so it can only execute simple control tasks.
Proposed System:
The proposed embedded system uses FLASH and MMC memories for program running and data storage. The BIOS codes, user‟s codes and the useful data are stored in FLASH memories. RTC data is written on MMC for data logging purpose. As far as the control and acquisition system concerned, the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) is essential components. The ADCs are applied for data acquisition. A RS-485 serial port is backed up for more widely applications. The LCD controller can be programmed to support different requirements on the screen. LCD is connected to the General Purpose Input/output ports (GPIO) of the microprocessor. The IP address of the system is burned in a serial EEPROM. The Ethernet controller will read the IP address when reset. Ethernet is interfaced to serial peripheral interface of controller.
GSM is interfaced as it provides a wireless communication i.e message can be sent to particular individual instantly. Thermal printer has RS232 port available so it is interfaced to controller using UART port.
The Design of ARM based industrial Embedded system using RTOS offers necessary mighty functions to developing fast and efficient an application. The system can be used to perform real-time controls where there have standard electrical interface. High precision data acquisition can be realized by the embedded system as well. Using the Ethernet port of the embedded system, networked control and acquisitions can be achieved through an industrial Ethernet LAN. The hardware and software provide a platform for diverse control and acquisition applications, including industrial process controls and factory automations. Since the embedded system is able to deal with Multi-Tasks and can run operation systems, field operations, supervisions and managements can be done by the lower embedded devices, hence the upper PC or workstation in the industrial LAN will do fewer works, which lowers the concentration degree of the whole system. This enhances the reliability of the control and acquisition system and reduces the risks. In addition system uses the portable Thermal Printer for printing real time data and GSM Module for long distance communication and MMC card for data backup that provides an alternative interface for conventional control and acquisition applications. Thus the embedded system is compact system that is useful for industrial applications.
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