While mobile ad hoc networks have become amature & globally adopted technology due to its wide range ofapplications. Such environment has some basic differences incomparison to wired networks. Due to these little differences theMANETsare more prone to interception and manipulation. Thisfurther opens possibilities of insecure routing. For the efficientand secure delivery of data CRCMD&R (Cluster and Reputation based cooperative malicious node Detectionand Removal)scheme is proposed in this paper.CRCMD&R suggestsorganising the MANET into anumber of clusters and each nodein the network has a specific primenumber which acts as NodeIdentity.CRCMD&R uses Legitimacy value table andReputation level table maintained by each node in the network tofindand use a safe route between a source and a destination. Thecornerstones of our work are the various metrics which can befurther calculated by the values collected in Legitimacy valuetableand Reputation level table. Depending upon these metricsthe cluster head nodes exclude or include the nodes from thediscovered routeand select the most reliable route to a specificdestination.
The notion of malicious node detection in MANETs hasbeen a subjectof interest for a number of years. A number ofresearchers have discussed the problems of malicious nodedetection in MANETs as follows. Saurabh Gupta proposed a AOMDV based novelapproach for black hole attack named as BAAP. BAAPintroduces the conceptof legitimacy table, which will bemaintained by each node. The good path statistics are basedon two different fields: Pathcount and Sentcount i.e. theLegitimacy Ratioof a node is calculated with the help ofpathcount & sentcount. Such count calculation gives thepictureof correct routing. RutvijH. Thaveri et. al. proposed an on-demand securerouting protocol for Gray Hole and Black Hole Attacks.It deals with the abnormal routing information provided by the
neighbor nodes during path setup and these abnormal nodeswill be considered as malicious nodes. The intermediate nodeuses the routing packets to pass routing and malicious nodeinformation to whole network. Subrat Kar at. e!’described a protocol WHOP. WHOPsuggests the useof hound packet to promote cooperationa nodes. Their routesel ection criteria are purely basedon node ID. That is each node must expose its ID during pathsetup. The meritof the protocol lies in the fact that it candetect hidden worm hole also. Adrian Perrig et. Al. proposed an on demand AODVlike protocol named as RAP.It uses highly efficient digitalsignature based cryptography for authentication purpose. Asimple delay timebased three step authentication neighbordetection protocolis designed to discover a legitimateneighbor. RAP at the costof higher overhead can find usableroutes, thus allowing successful routing and packet delivery.
This paper provides a secure routing protocol forpreventing the nodes from visiting through compromisednodes without any requirementof special hardware (forexample central coordinator). CRCMD&R rely on the Legitimacy value table and Reputation level table. The useof these two tables makes possibilities to analyze whether thenode is aimingfor correct routing or not. We applied twodifferent algorithms for malicious node detection and removal.As future workwe intend to include that currently dummydata packets are usedto calculate the reputation values ofnodes but it might be better if real data packets and routepackets are used to calculate the reputation value .
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