Since it was found that real mobility processesexhibit significant degree of correlation (correlated mobility)andnodes are often heterogeneously distributed in clustered networks(cluster scalability), there has been a great interest in studyingtheir impact on network performance, such as throughput anddelay. However, limited works have been done to investigatetheir impact jointly, which may due to the challenges in capturingboth features under a unified network model. In thispaper, we focus on their impact on asymptotic connectivity andpropose correlated mobile k-hop clustered network model.Twoconnectivity metrics are considered. One is network connectivitywith probability (w.p.). The other is connectivity almost surely(a.s.), which requires a stronger condition than connectivity withprobability. With mobility correlation and cluster scalabilityvary, we show that there are three distinct states for networkconnectivity, i.e., cluster-sparse, cluster-dense state,andclusterinferiordense state, respectively. We first prove the exact valueof the critical transmission range for each state, respectively, andthen further generalize the three states into a unified one, whichwe call it cluster mixed state. The critical transmission range forconnectivity almost surely isv2 times the range for connectivitywith probability. Our main contribution lies in how to groupcorrelated nodes into independent ones in various settings, andreveals the interrelated relationship between correlated mobilityand cluster scalability through state transitions.
Most of the existing studies consider these three strategiesin non-clustered (flat) networks. On the other hand, accordingto whether the nodes can move or not, previous works canalso be generally classified into two categories.Stationary flat networks: In such networks, all nodes arerandomly and independently distributed in a region and keepstationary. Nodes can connect to each other through multihopfashion. Santi and Blough investigated the range assignmentproblem for stationary networks and provided tight upperand lower bounds on the critical transmitting range for onedimensionalnetworks and non-tight bounds for two and threedimensionalnetworks. Nassab and Ashtiani consideredthe case where the number of nodes changes with time undera stationary distribution and computed the exact probabilityof connectivity in discrete and continuous ad hoc networks.Gupta and Kumar studied the connectivity in flat stationarynetworks from the perspective of critical power.
The major contributions of this paper are listed as follows:• We employ correlated mobility to illustrate the clustering of the nodes and correlated node movements in clustered networks, and further propose the correlated mobilek-hop clustered model for network connectivity.• We implement cluster scalability and derive the exact critical transmission range for the three separate statesand also mixed state when n →8, under the condition ofwith probability convergence, and the condition of almostsurely convergence.In this paper, we find that nodes in a cluster can beregarded as independent nodes or grouped into indepen-dent sub-clusters, or the cluster can be even seen as awhole node, depending on the parameter settings. Ourresults are general and can shed lights on how to evaluateconnectivity in various correlated clustered networks.
In this paper, we propose the correlated mobile k-hopclustered network model to explore the impact of correlatedmobility and cluster scalability on the connectivity perfor-mance in large scale wireless networks. The main contributionof our work is to divide the clusters into disjoint groups whichcan be seen as independent nodes virtually. There are severalpossible future directions. One is to study the connectivitywhen the access points are not randomly distributed in thenetwork. Another interesting case is to show how differenttransmission ranges will affect the connectivity.
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