by nexgentech | Aug 31, 2021 | ieee project
About Nexgen Technology Nexgen Technology is the most prominent, favored and go to destination in Pondicherry for final year projects for college students in computer technology, IEEE projects training, software development, and services related to Ph.D. guidance and... by nexgentech | Dec 10, 2018 | ieee project
Designing and evaluating hybrid storage for high performance cloud computing ABSTRACT The need for reliable and fast storage systems is increasingly critical in various fields including artificial intelligence and data analytics. This paper proposes a new architecture... by nexgentech | Dec 10, 2018 | ieee project
Security and QoS Guarantee-based Resource Allocation within Cloud Computing Environment ABSTRACT : Data and services in a Cloud Computing are not limited to a single organization’s perimeter and span multiple trusted or untrusted domains. In addition, data security... by nexgentech | Dec 10, 2018 | ieee project
Ensemble learning methods for power system cyber-attack detection ABSTRACT Power system is one of the most important industrial control systems in today’s society. In recent years, power systems have been well researched and developed extensively with a high... by nexgentech | Dec 10, 2018 | ieee project
Impacts of Public Transportation Fare Reduction Policy on Urban Public Transport Sharing Rate Based on Big Data Analysis ABSTRACT Urban transport is an important support system to the city. With the city’s development, traffic congestion has become a major traffic... by nexgentech | Dec 10, 2018 | ieee project
Hierarchical Cloud Computing Architecture for Context-Aware IoT Services Abstract This paper presents a new cloud computing model for context-aware Internet of Things (IoT) services. The proposed computing model is hierarchically composed of two layers: a cloud... by nexgentech | Dec 10, 2018 | ieee project
Security Analysis of Smartphone and Cloud Computing Authentication Frameworks and Protocols ABSTRACT We live in a digital world where every detail of our information is being transferred from one smart device to another via cross-platform, third-party cloud services.... by nexgentech | Dec 10, 2018 | ieee project
A New Lightweight Symmetric Searchable Encryption Scheme for String Identification ABSTRACT In this paper, we provide an efficient and easy-to-implement symmetric searchable encryption scheme (SSE) for string search, which takes one round of communication, O(n) times... by nexgentech | Dec 10, 2018 | ieee project
Energy Efficient Scheduling of Servers with Multi-Sleep Modes for Cloud Data Center ABSTRACT In a cloud data center, servers are always over-provisioned in an active state to meet the peak demand of requests, wasting a large amount of energy as a result. One of the... by nexgentech | Dec 10, 2018 | ieee project
SeSPHR: A Methodology for Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in the Cloud ABSTRACT The widespread acceptance of cloud based services in healthcare sector has resulted in cost effective and convenient exchange of Personal Health Records (PHRs) a several...