81Design of secure location and message sharing system for android platform.Abstract
82Detection of SMS spam messages on mobile phones.Abstract
83Development of an android system integrated with sensor networks.Abstract
84Development of motion-maker for an android.Abstract
85Droid Mat: Android Malware Detection through Manifest and API Calls Tracing.Abstract
86Energy consumption in android phones when using wireless communication technologies.Abstract
87Environment sensing using Smartphone.Abstract
88Evaluation of Bluetooth Hands-Free profile for sensors applications in smartphone platforms.Abstract
89Face recognition implementation for client server mobile application using PCA.Abstract
90Forthroid on Android: A QR-code based information access system for smart phones.Abstract
91Location based services using android (LBSOID).Abstract
92Live video streaming for mobile devices: An application on android platform.Abstract
93Learning Sorting Algorithms with Mobile Devices.Abstract
94Indoor WiFi positioning system for Android-based smartphone.Abstract
95Improving the Energy-Efficiency of GPS Based Location Sensing Smartphone Applications.Abstract
96Implementation of cuff-less continuous blood pressure measurement system based on Android.Abstract
97Implementation of an Android Phone Based Video Streamer.Abstract
98Implementation of a Mobile Device to Determine Danger in a Great City Based on Ubiquity.Abstract
99How to Display the Data from Database by ListView on Android.Abstract
100Google android as an application environment for DTV decoder system.Abstract