Redundancy Avoidance for Big Data in Data Centers: A Conventional Neural Network Approach


As the innovative data collection technologies are applying to every aspect of our society, the data volume is skyrocketing. Such phenomenon poses tremendous challenges to data centers with respect to enabling storage. In this paper, a hybrid-stream big data analytics model is proposed to perform multimedia big data analysis. This model contains four procedures, i.e., data pre-processing, data classification, data recognition and data load reduction. Specifically, an innovative multi-dimensional Convolution Neural Network (CNN) is proposed to assess the importance of each video frame. Thus, those unimportant frames can be dropped by a reliable decision-making algorithm. In order to ensure video quality, minimal correlation and minimal redundancy (MCMR) are combined to optimize the decision-making algorithm. Simulation results show that the amount of processed video is significantly reduced, and the quality of video is preserved due to the addition of MCMR. The simulation also proves that the proposed model performs steadily and is robust enough to scale up to accommodate the big data crush in data centers.

Existing System:

A strategy that could reduce the transmission load a data centers and leverage the storage system is required to address the above problems. Some studies on reducing the transmission load have focused on optimizing route selection as well as detecting and dropping anomaly traffic. Vertical handoff (VHO) decision algorithm performs well in heterogeneous wireless networks [13], but when the time dimension is considered in multimedia transmission and storage, VHO becomes extremely complex. Convolution Neural Network, which incorporates pooling, can improve generalization on pattern recognition problems by sharing weights and biases. Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network (HCNN) combines CNN and winner-takesall mechanism to further boost the recognition speed [14].

Proposed System:

This paper focuses on finding a proper proportion of reduced redundancy data, which reduces important data loss. Specifically, four main steps are presented, including Video Pre-processing, Frame Classification, Frame-Load-Reduction Processing, and Video Decision. Pre-processing provides an intermediate layer to adapt input video streams to our model. The purpose of Frame Classification is to evaluate the significance of each frame. Simultaneously, Frame-Load-Reduction Processing and Video Decision are proposed to perform data redundancy avoidance and ensure vital videos are not dropped. Generally, our work focuses on enabling real-time video processing by enhancing the storage efficiency in terms of storing useful data, and by further relieving multimedia data redundancy in data centers.


In this paper, a hybrid-stream big data analytics model has been proposed to enhance the classification precision and relieve the data centers’ network and storage overload. The model can improve the speed to deal with the videos and recognizing, deciding the important frames and whether to drop the unimportant ones in every video. Compared to conventional methods like deep learning to address image analysis problems, this paper has improved the method to deal with video analysis. Besides, this network and storage overload problem of video is considered as an optimization problem, which can show a practical algorithm over a largescale of real-time data from numerous nodes. The conducted simulations represent that our model performs well in most of the data sets. Moreover, the hybrid-stream big data analytics model and the improved video with recognized algorithm can lead to a fairly good video stream and save storage space in the Internet of Things. Our algorithm also provides a way to relieve the network and storage load. The model can reduce network and storage overload, and it will not destroy the truly important videos as well.


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